Welcome back, Dreammakers, to Today in Mortgages! In this episode, hosts Michael and Richard talk about our new president, and his new initatives. The article we look at today is: “What Trump’s win could mean for housing: experts weigh in.” There are a lot of thoughts in this article, but we want to focus on the idea of privatizing Freddie Mae, and Fannie Mac.
The biggest hurdle in privatizing Freddie & Fannie would be the government giving up billions in revenue. They used to be private companies, until the government brought them into conservatorship during the 2011 bailout. A potential problem in this happening for our industry is that we probably wouldn’t see as many loans to less qualified buyers. It would be likely less advantageous for a private company to offer affordable housing initiatives, because they generate less profit. Ultimately, we don’t believe this will happen, because the government needs this revenue source. Listen in as we discuss this and more!
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Today in mortgages is produced by Network Funding, LP, which is an equal housing lender, NMLS# 2297.
The content of this program is meant to be a commentary on mortgage and real estate news and any discussion of rates and or products should not be taken as individual mortgage or home buying advice or pricing estimates, and any commentary on this show is should not be considered a promise to make a loan. All applicants for a loan must qualify and you should consult a professional regarding your individual loan scenarios for your financial situation. Visit our website at nflp.com/licenses for all state licensing and other legal information.
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